At Technohome, we prioritize quality control at every stage of production. Our technical control service conducts inspections throughout the process to ensure excellence. Our products hold international quality certificates, and we utilize advanced technologies like Spectro spectrometers and automatic infrared temperature sensors for precise material inspection. Our experienced staff conducts thorough quality control checks to verify compliance with specifications.
Testing of finished products:
At Technohome, we conduct comprehensive inspections of extruded aluminum profiles, including tests for dimensions and physical properties. Our advanced testing equipment ensures accurate results for tensile, compression, and bending strength. We also measure hardness, electrical conductivity, and dimensional accuracy using specialized tools. Our products meet high technological, operational, and aesthetic standards, catering to various industries such as construction, furniture, windows, doors, facades, and more.
Proper packaging:
Extruded aluminum profiles are securely packaged using plastic cases, film, and packing tape. Additional protection is provided with cardboard, plywood, or wooden boxes for safe transportation and delivery to customers.